*Raises hand* Fellow EEAAO crier here, too! And so jealous about your P!nk show tickets--heartily agree that she's a total bad*ss.

Re: Do you like making lists too? Uhh...I've even made lists of lists (that I needed to make). So, I may actually have a problem.

Re: Have you ever cried tears of joy? What caused them? Oh, ALL the time! But the time that it was funniest, was when I went into the flagship Whole Foods in Austin, TX when we first moved there. We had been living in a remote part of Idaho, and I guess I missed having gourmet ingredients at my fingertips way more than I had realized!

Re: What is the best concert you’ve ever been to? Oooh, this is tough! I loved so many different things about various ones! David Bowie for swagger, The Killers for energy, Smashing Pumpkins for "at their peak"ness. BUT: I would say I most enjoyed getting to see Paul McCartney with my oldest son for "bonding over Beatles music" reasons, and also he and I at a tiny, tiny Tiffany concert in Nashville, where she came over and talked to us after. :) That was like a childhood dream situation for 80s kid me, and he still teases me about it now.

Re: Shoutout: Share something your friend has written or made! OOOH! This is also such a good one! My sister-in-law, Becca, is so creative and talented, and she's been embroidering these large-scale thimbles from a childhood collection she amassed. https://www.instagram.com/p/C_dmFGGptmD/ is one example. Anyhow, I can NOT wait to see them all on a long gallery wall somewhere.

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EEAAO criers unite!!

P!nk is a total badass. I hope you get to see her next time!

Nah, I don't believe lists could be a problem in any universe ;)

Ahaha, your Whole Foods experience is everything. Love.

David BOWIE?!?!!!! THE KILLERS? I love all of your options. Have you listened to McCartney's song HAND IN HAND? I'm obsessed.

Becca's thimbles are gorgeous -- thank you for sharing.

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I wasn't sure about the McCartney song, so I'm listening to it now--awww! It's so sweet! People (rightly) compliment his melodies all the time, but I think his lyrics game is so damn strong. Deceptively simple (in either case) is the hardest.

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Totally agree — sometimes simplicity gets dismissed!

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Sep 4Liked by Rachel Michelle Wilson

1. Lists! I make lists about lists I need to make…it is sooo satisfying! I once (betraying my gen x age here), stayed up with a friend on New Year’s Eve to carefully document and list, with our matching thick 4 ink in one pens, the entire top 100 songs of 1989 by listening to the radio!! Why? Because lists!

3. U2, in Toronto, where we got free tickets because my employer BlackBerry was sponsoring the tour. The Skydome was open, it was a warm, magical September night, and the CN Tower was lit up in rhythm to the songs. Collective effervescence and joy! 🫶

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1. Oh my goodness, I relate so much -- I love making lists of songs too. So satisfying!!!

2. One of my other favorite shows was U2!!! I can't believe you got free tickets -- incredible!

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Sep 4Liked by Rachel Michelle Wilson

I love making lists - always by hand! Mostly to-do lists and "must write" or "must draw" lists that I sometimes actually do...or don't. Yes, I have cried tears of joy - at Taylor's era concert - the tears were prompted when my girls burst into tears bc they were so excited and joyful. Best concert ever, though Pink looks AMAZING (and Bono gives a great show!) My friend Sarah Allen's (she's on Substack) new middle grade novel just came out yesterday and it's AWESOME!

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Sep 4Liked by Rachel Michelle Wilson

Omg, I cried SO MUCH during Everything Everywhere All At Once. It was too on the nose with some of the family dynamics. That one was definitely a mix of happy/sad tears, and I'll love it until the day I die!

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Yes, that's what it was for me too! They captured nuances of family dynamics that I had never seen represented before. And it impacted me so deeply that I can't even put into words exactly what it was that made me cry haha. I'm with you -- EEAAO forever!

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Sep 4Liked by Rachel Michelle Wilson

1. I love making lists! (Making one right now in the comments.) In my last newsletter, I made a list of all the writing and illustrating things I've accomplished over the last 13 years. It was good to honor myself in that way.

2. I've cried tons of tears of joy. When one of my kids does something amazing, that'll usually get them going.

3. I JUST went to the Sheppard concert and it was THE LITERAL BEST. Joy everywhere for three hours. So good I'm considering getting tickets for another location.

4. My friend, Jessica Flory, just had a book birthday for her Sand Traveler duology, with Dunes of Water, the sequel to Oceans of Sand! She created a stellar world and I'm so happy for her.

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1. I've been so behind on all the substacks, but I CANNOT wait to read your last newsletter. Sounds incredible.

2. This is so cute.

3. I'll also have to check out Shepphard!

4. Huge congrats to your friend Jessica Flory.

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